Alphonse Mucha A-Z: 200 Art Nouveau Reproductions - Annotated Series

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Arts & Photography

Alphonse Mucha A-Z: 200 Art Nouveau Reproductions - Annotated Series Details

(Revised 02/2014 - 200 Larger HD illustrations with annotations)ALPHONSE MUCHA: A-Z Art Book contains 200 HD Reproductions from his amazing poster and advertising art work for Nestles, LeFevre biscuits, Carriage Dealers, and theater posters for Sarah Bernhardt, portraits and the entire Slav Epic Series.Book includes Annotations, Table of Contents, Top 50 Museums of the World and Interesting Facts Page below. Alphonse Mucha is formatted for all Kindle devices, Kindle for iOS and Android tablets.INTERESTING FACTS:§ In 1868, Alphonse Mucha's earliest known composition was a crucifixion, using pencil, crayon and watercolor when he was about 8 years old.§ In 1872, he attends the Gymnázium Slovanské on a choral scholarship.§ In 1877, Mucha is expelled from school due to poor academic performance. While traveling home he views a fresco at a local church. Inspired by the painting he decides to become a professional painter.§ In 1880, he becomes an apprentice scenery painter at Vienna's Kautsky-Brioschi-Burghardt theatre design company.§ In 1882, Mucha receives his first commission to paint a decorative scene in Emmahof Castle by Count Karl Khuen-Belasi. The counts brother then commissions Mucha to paint a scene at Gandegg Castle in Tyrol. Count Egon is so impressed with Mucha's work that he funds his formal artistic training in Munich.§ In 1885, Mucha joins Munich's Academy of Art. He stays for two years and becomes an active member of the Škréta Group, a community of European art students living in Munich.§ In 1887, he moves to Paris with painter friend Karel Mašek. Mucha joins Académie Julian and studies under academic painters; Jean-Paul Laurens, Jules Joseph Lefébvre and Gustave Boulanger.§ In 1889, Mucha begins working as a professional illustrator. He secures commissions from Czech and French publishers.§ In 1891, he produces his first book of illustrations for Paris publisher Armand Colin.§ In 1892, Mucha begins giving drawing lessons in his studio. His classes become so successful that he is asked to teach at the Académie Colarossi.§ In 1893, he shares his studio at No.8, rue de la Grande Chaumière with painter Paul Gauguin.§ In 1893, Mucha purchases his first camera. Photography becomes a necessary part of his life in preparing compositions and as a medium in its own right.§ In 1894, Mucha designs Sarah Bernhardt's 'Gismonda' poster. It becomes so popular with Parisians, that many are stolen from the hoardings.§ In 1895, he signs a six year contract with Sarah Bernhardt, designing stage sets, posters and costumes.§ In 1897, Mucha holds his first solo exhibition with 107 works at the Galerie de la Bodinière, 18 rue St Lazare. That same year, he is invited to hold a solo exhibition with 448 works, at the Salon des Cent.§ In 1901, he is awarded the Légion d'honneur by the French government for his work on the Paris Exhibition.§ In 1902, Mucha exhibits his work at the First International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art in Turin.§ In 1909, Mucha obtains financial backing from Charles Richard Crane to begin his work on the Slav Epic.§ In 1912, Mucha completes the first three canvases of the Slav Epic.§ In 1918, Mucha designs Czechoslovakia's first series of postage stamps. From 1919-31, his designs also appear on Czechoslovakian bank notes.§ In 1919, The first exhibition of the Slav Epic is held at the Klementinum in Prague. Mucha's exhibition then travels to the Chicago Art Institute in the United States, attracting over 53,000 visitors.§ In 1934, He is made an Officier de la Légion d’Honneur by the French government.§ In the spring of 1939, Mucha is arrested by the German Gestapo. During his interrogation he becomes ill with pneumonia. He is eventually released, but weakened by the event. He dies on July 14, 1939, due to a lung infection.


great range of mages and information but image quality is not sharp in details when enlarged.

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