Occupation Culture: Art & Squatting in the City from Below

Category: Books,History,Historical Study & Educational Resources

Occupation Culture: Art & Squatting in the City from Below Details

Review "Reporting on close to forty years of exploits Alan W. Moore's Occupation Culture is no academic treatise but a Picaresque adventure story filled with both detailed observations and broader reflections on the political and cultural significance of art and squatting that stretches across the Atlantic from the United States to Europe." - Gregory Sholette, author of Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture"Occupy wasn't just a movement, it is a long-standing strategy and, frankly, a form of living. Alan W. Moore has seen firsthand more squats and occupations than anyone, and he brings his sensibility to bear on this global phenomena. A must read for occupiers, whether artist, activist or renter." - Nato Thompson, curator at Creative Time, editor of Living as Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011 Read more


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